I Survived 2020

2020. A YEAR. FOR. THE. BOOKS!!! Filled with highs, lows, death, life, self-realization, creativity, rest, productivity, family, anxiety, depression, joy, expectation…The list goes on!

Months have passed since I’ve posted, but I could think of no other way to say goodbye to 2020 than a compilation post. I polled friends and family with the question “How did you survive 2020”?

My hope is that you will find yourself amongst the answers. As we embark upon a new year, one that may not look much different from 2020, it is imperative we reflect on what sustained us. The lessons we learned. The joyful moments. The family connections. The tears. The moments of stillness. THEY. ALL. MATTER. It is important for us all to not go into 2021 the same. Take with you what matters and leave the rest behind.

I began 2020 with a pretty solid self-care routine. Yoga, devotionals, music, dance workouts, and meditation. By April however, it became very clear that what worked previously would no longer. So, I began to walk daily. It helped, but only a tad. I could no longer push through my anxiety struggles. Weekly panic attacks, bursts of anger, fatigue, depression all consumed me. Fast forward to November. Something clicked.

I had done all I had known to do for years. Therapy, self and soul care, support, and even rest; just to name a few. I needed something more. So, I made an appointment with my primary care physician and was put on a low dose of anxiety meds. In the last 6 weeks, my life has changed! The fog has been lifted! I am back to enjoying motherhood! Not just barely making it to the end of the day! My family recognizes the difference. I AM BACK TO BEING ME! For years I “pushed and prayed through”. I was ok with the struggle. Now I know there has always been more available to me.

I share this because someone needs to hear that it is ok to not be ok. You can reach out for help. Take care of your body, mind, and soul. Your survival in 2021 depends on it! This looks different for each person. And we cannot judge another’s means of survival. We are not just meant to survive, but to thrive. Even in the midst of chaos, we can emerge peacefully.

Here is a compilation of how we survived 2020. I say we because in this list you will find my answers as well. These are actual responses from men and women like you and I. Think of this as a tool bag for how you can also survive in 2021 and beyond! ENJOY!!

I survived 2020 by…

Decluttering. Therapy. Anxiety meds. Eating Healthier. Remaining present. Alone time. Boxing. Taekwondo. Walking. Candles. Budgeting. Retreat. Books. Netflix. Baking. Yoga. Ice cream. Dancing. TikTok. Fabletics. Laughter.

“I survived 2020 trusting in God, getting active outside in nature often, leaning in to close family & friend relationships, pursuing my dreams, keeping a positive attitude, and practicing yoga.”

“Through prayer. Prayers for myself, for others, corporate prayer, private prayer, others praying with me and for me… Prayer has gotten me thru 2020.”

“I survived 2020 by…ramping up on self-care which included going to therapy, taking an intentional speaking sabbatical and practicing silence, becoming more disciplined about prayer life, stepping out on faith and investing with my husband in our forever home being built from the ground up— a real dream come true, reassessing my priorities and commitments and editing people and obligations as necessary, and becoming more mindful in general about life and living!”

“I survived by realizing this too shall pass.”

“I survived 2020 by surrendering control.”

“I survived 2020 by realizing my worth and choosing to rewrite the ending to my story.”

“I survived 2020 by readjusting my beliefs of being quarantined and used that time to build and strengthen bonds with my family.”

“I am totally kidding sort of. I actually survived 2020 because we were able to slow down. We are always go, go, go so it was nice to hang at home and just enjoy each other and being home. On days where that was a bit much, I admit I used audible books and TikTok to mentally check out sometimes. I’d love to read more but sitting with a book is merely impossible. With audible, I can do housework and listen to my books.”

“I survived 2020 by taking a really hot bath almost every night to decompress.”

 “I survived 2020 and didn’t lose my mind by the grace of God and I’m so thankful.”

“Netflix binges, hiking weekly with the family, late-night tv with hubby, prayer, laughter, tears, friends.”

“I survived 2020 having random dance parties with my family, cooking new things, and keeping my circle small.”

 “I have watched more tv in the past 9 months than I’ve ever watched in my entire life—and have felt no shame about it!* Listened to or read about 30 books (listening to Barack’s now—so good)* After stress/comfort eating and drinking everything in sight in March and April, I reset my nutritional and exercise goals, and have dropped 25 pounds.* I’ve simplified so much, and have cleaned, organized, and/ or purged every inch of my house (more than once!)* Have researched and created travel itineraries/goals for vacations I would love to take some time in the future.”

“I am a connoisseur of Korean dramas now.”

“Working from home, prayer, shaving my hair off, laughter, watching all seasons of Call the midwife, falling asleep to listening to the bible at night. Watching RCF online on the weekends. Wearing my mask.”

“I survived by getting outside every day with my family, increasing therapy to twice a month, spending hours a day on Marco Polo with friends around the world, and running – running my ass off. Started in April barely able to run a minute, to running 5.75 miles today.”

“I survived the latter 1/2 of 2020 by discovering skincare and taking time each day to really take care of myself. My skin is still crap, but I’m in a better mood.”

“I survived with my kids by my side. We went through this year and survived and are going into the next thriving.”

“I survived by trusting God more and learning to let go of things out of my control.”

“I survived by self-reflecting! identifying parts of me that no longer serve me!”

“I survived 2020 by learning to be more resilient through all the challenges that came my way!”

“I survived 2020 by trusting God, saying no, learning to be content, deepening relationships with my family, taking better care of my body, and wearing really cute, comfy PJs!”

“I survived by staying positive, focusing on the good, and pouring energy into my gifts and talents. Headed to Cancun to bring in the New Year!”

“I worked on being present and allowing myself to cry as many times that I needed to.”

“I survived 2020 by putting myself first and accepting both the trials and the blessings of this year.”

“Started getting my nails and hair done. I needed Mommy time!”

Today, I choose to be hopeful and expectant for 2021. I choose to end 2020 with gratitude and reflections. I choose to remember the positive and embrace all the lessons that came from the negative. I am not the same woman.

How will you choose to end this year?

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