MEntal health

What Simone Biles and Waco TX taught me “I wanted it to be for myself. But I was still doing it for other people. It hurts my heart that doing what I love has been kind of taken away from me to please other people.” These words Simone Biles uttered in a NBC Sports interview…

I Survived 2020

2020. A YEAR. FOR. THE. BOOKS!!! Filled with highs, lows, death, life, self-realization, creativity, rest, productivity, family, anxiety, depression, joy, expectation…The list goes on! Months have passed since I’ve posted, but I could think of no other way to say goodbye to 2020 than a compilation post. I polled friends and family with the question…

Old Ways Ya Gots to Go!

I am a broken person. And I know exactly where my cracks are and how deep they run. I don’t pretend to not be a broken person and therein lies the big difference. Because the truth is, we are all broken in places, but it is those who know exactly where and how they are…

Freedom Friday: Moments Matter

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it”. -Kevyn Aucoin This week the reoccurring theme…

Freedom Friday: Choose YOU!

Freedom Friday Thought: Choose what doesn’t always make sense…   So I went to the store to find a planner. When I walked to the section I saw an entire collection called “Ashley G”. I knew I HAD have one. This was DIVINE intervention. The problem was that none of the journals were appealing to…

But Mommy, I will Fall…

This just happened… My daughter decided to place both of her feet into one sock. She begins jumping around like a baby bunny having fun. All I saw in that moment was the sharp corner of our living room end table. Immediately, I saw an accident flash before my eyes. So, I told her to…

The Beauty of Silence

My morning. Sipping coffee. Nibbling a homemade pastry. Writing in my journal. Internally reflecting and praying.  Then I pause for a moment. Take in the silence. Something I rarely get with 3 kids.  The world is full “noise”. Music, politics, pinterest, facebook, instagram, tv, kids, clients, the list goes on. Something or someone pulling for…

Facing My Giants

As fall approaches so does a fresh new homeschool year.  We school year round, but our summers are full of fun, camps and academically we focus on reading and basic math review. Every September we start full steam ahead and begin with renewed goals and plans for the year. The last several months, I internally…

Broken Glass

This week several glass items have been shattered all over my kitchen floor. First a measuring cup and then a light fixture. Glass on the ground is a nightmare to clean up. It’s as if we never find all of the pieces. And just when you think you have  someone steps on the tiniest shard. …