Freedom Friday: Moments Matter

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it”.

-Kevyn Aucoin

This week the reoccurring theme has been this…Stop always focusing on the big picture, Just enjoy the moment. Each and every moment that we encounter, is happening for a reason. We must choose with each ticking minute to embrace what comes our way or resist what is in front of us.

I am enjoying the simplicity of allowing myself to flow throughout the day without having to be so rigid. Yes, I have goals and a plan, but I allow room for change. I don’t get so stuck on the time line. I remain in tune with my needs. I don’t expect today to be the same as yesterday. And you know what? I am getting more done. By not forcing what is no longer working, it allows me to enjoy my days without the obligation to get everything done. Living moment by moment I can stay connected to my needs, desires and wants.

Too many of us get so caught up on the goal that we lose ourselves.

I am determined to embrace each moment, to embrace myself every step of the way.

My challenge will be keeping this same ebb and flow when my children return from vacation and we get back into the swing of school and activities!

How will YOU embrace the moments ahead?


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