Freedom Friday: Choose YOU!

Freedom Friday Thought: Choose what doesn’t always make sense…   So I went to the store to find a planner. When I walked to the section I saw an entire collection called “Ashley G”. I knew I HAD have one. This was DIVINE intervention. The problem was that none of the journals were appealing to…

What’s love got to do with Juggling?

Today we ventured to our local library to see The Juggling Hoffmans. This was by far the best Juggling show I have ever seen. It brought such joy to everyone’s heart watching. I was so upset when I realized I didn’t have my phone! I love to snap pics at every activity we attend for…


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston S. Churchill Today’s post is short. So much has been going on emotionally. Still putting all the pieces together.  I am not yet ready to write or share publicly. But I know that through each thing that…

Why I Write

I write because I have to. I write because it is a way of life. While I may not always write as much as I would like to, it is self care for me. Since before I can remember, I have always had a journal that I wrote out prayers, my dreams, thoughts and hopes….

Managing Homeschooling & Stuff During Busy Weeks!

The past few weeks have been extremely busy. I have had homeschool lessons to teach, small groups to lead, dinner to cook, business planning, birthdays to plan…and the list goes on.  Emotionally I also have a lot going on because the anniversary of my brothers death is approaching and on Monday my little 14 year old…

I Am Who I Am.

The last few days I have been reflecting on my life, my journey and growth. I am in awe at where God has brought me from and the work I have put into being a healthy and whole woman. By no means am I perfect or have I arrived, but one thing is for sure…


I had planned to write about something totally different. Something more homeschool related,  but some days you just have to go with the flow. So, last night or should I say early this morning, I had one of the most impactful dreams I have ever had. Well, let me just say to start, I don’t…