Making Room for Me

I have a tendency to put myself last. I spend hours each day serving and teaching those I love; and coaching women to be their greatest selves. At days end I sometimes feel depleted , worn and tired; having nothing left to give. At that point I am cranky and push off-ish. Often resenting homeschooling,…

The Beauty of Silence

My morning. Sipping coffee. Nibbling a homemade pastry. Writing in my journal. Internally reflecting and praying.  Then I pause for a moment. Take in the silence. Something I rarely get with 3 kids.  The world is full “noise”. Music, politics, pinterest, facebook, instagram, tv, kids, clients, the list goes on. Something or someone pulling for…

Facing My Giants

As fall approaches so does a fresh new homeschool year.  We school year round, but our summers are full of fun, camps and academically we focus on reading and basic math review. Every September we start full steam ahead and begin with renewed goals and plans for the year. The last several months, I internally…