Work break.


As a wife, mother of 3 small children, homeschooler and ministry leader it can be tough to find the time to put focus on my business and my dreams. However, this year I have taught more classes, had several meetings, been certified as a Zumba instructor…just to name a few! Things have been exciting for me! Yet, there is something that has put a minor halt on a few plans I had this year.

You see, I was driving the 1hour drive to open up my bank account in Annapolis (yes that far because they have no fees) when I received a call to turn around and was told my brother was killed!

I have not been able to make that drive since. I have a inner fear that I will receive another tragic call. I know this is not ok. But it is where I am. I wont stay here forever. On top of all of that, the thought of having to organize, plan and arrange weekly Zumba classes seem like a weight I can’t bear.

I have put a hold on it. I felt peace about that decision, until I took a Zumba class in  NC last night. The class was held in someones hot garage turned dance studio. In those moments, I realized a few things.  1. While I may have been on a mental and emotion break, my dream is still very much alive and burning on the inside. 2. I LOVE TO DANCE! It brings me joy in a time where I NEED it. 3. It is ok to be present in my break and still teach a few classes. I set the bar and standard for my goals.

I am not a failure for not coming out the gate teaching classes every week. But I will be failing myself if I abandon my love because I am grieving. My business will move at the pace that God and I set. My love for movement and dance holds the key to a piece my healing.  I can’t stop and I won’t stop pursuing my loves. As for my business… I Am I Can, LLC. Where I go, and where I honor myself there she is also!

Here is a picture  of me dripping sweat after my class last night! I put in work! The instructor kept calling me a “Professional with moves”! I receive that word!

I challenge you today to do something you love!

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