Freedom Friday: Choose YOU!

Freedom Friday Thought: Choose what doesn’t always make sense…   So I went to the store to find a planner. When I walked to the section I saw an entire collection called “Ashley G”. I knew I HAD have one. This was DIVINE intervention. The problem was that none of the journals were appealing to…

Making Room for Me

I have a tendency to put myself last. I spend hours each day serving and teaching those I love; and coaching women to be their greatest selves. At days end I sometimes feel depleted , worn and tired; having nothing left to give. At that point I am cranky and push off-ish. Often resenting homeschooling,…

The Beauty of Silence

My morning. Sipping coffee. Nibbling a homemade pastry. Writing in my journal. Internally reflecting and praying.  Then I pause for a moment. Take in the silence. Something I rarely get with 3 kids.  The world is full “noise”. Music, politics, pinterest, facebook, instagram, tv, kids, clients, the list goes on. Something or someone pulling for…

Celebrating ME!

I had to cancel my 30th birthday party. I have looked forward to this day since I was a kid. I mean I probably dreamed of my 30th birthday party more than I envisioned what my wedding would look like! That may sound weird to some, but it is my truth! I may be one…

Friday Fun Weekly Update!

Swimming pool fun, strawberry picking, yummy desserts and a few home projects has filled our week.  For homeschooling we have watched so much National Geographic I feel like I have a degree in Africa’s deadliest animals! It is a yearly tradition in our home to go strawberry picking. My 2 youngest kids would eat strawberries…

Get up and Walk! 

This morning after prayer and a devotional I laid back down for some more sleep before the kids woke up.  After a bit of sleep I realized the kids were still quiet, and the thought crossed my mind “get up and go on a brisk walk”. I sat and wrestled with this thought because the…

Coffee Date

If we were having coffee right now, I would be crying. Crying tears of grief. Expressing a pain in my heart and would need a shoulder to cry on. Let me explain. Today is the funeral for my pastors mom, and also for my neighbors 34 year old son. My nana in-love doesn’t have long…


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston S. Churchill Today’s post is short. So much has been going on emotionally. Still putting all the pieces together.  I am not yet ready to write or share publicly. But I know that through each thing that…

5 Reasons Why YOU Should Color

This entire week my children and I have colored. I have printed out Captain America Civil War, Spiderman and Jurassic World coloring pages! I don’t know how much ink I have used, but it has been a truly relaxing homeschool week, filled with artistic expression and pure fun! My kids have colored so much I…

Why I Write

I write because I have to. I write because it is a way of life. While I may not always write as much as I would like to, it is self care for me. Since before I can remember, I have always had a journal that I wrote out prayers, my dreams, thoughts and hopes….