How do I Manage? 


Most days I work sun up to sun down. Teaching, disciplining, planning, cooking, managing, encouraging, praying…and the list goes on! 

I love what I do! It strengthens and empowers me to serve and be here for my family. I love being in control of my family schedule and having the freedom to run our businesses from home. 

There is one huge problem with all of this, however, I rarely get a break. No time to myself. I wake up between 5-6 am so that I can get quiet devotional time and prayer. As hard as it is some mornings to wake up this early it is a MUST! This sets the tone for me having this personal time to get grounded for my day. 

I know myself. If I don’t have moments like this my day will be out of wack and unbalanced. And everyone will feel the waves of instability if I don’t ground myself. I also know in my day I have to take a lunch break just like anyone else would with a typical 9-5. This is tough most days, but I love to make my plate and pull up a 30min Hulu episode while 1 kid naps and the others have quiet time. This is just enough to get me through the second half of the day. 

(A pic of one of my lunches-leftovers) 

I used to feel guilty for taking these moments. For needing a break or even a nap in the middle of the day. But what I realized is that first of all I have a lifestyle and schedule that permits mid day naps!!! Secondly, I NEED these moments in order to be able to manage my home, family and business in excellence. 

On those days where I am overwhelmed, snapping and everyone and barely making it to bedtime. The days where I internally ask myself I can I possibly manage this life, are days where I can look back and remember I put myself last. I took no time to recharge and set myself for the day. 

Whatever your daily job, career or tasks are, we all need to know what it takes to manage what lies ahead. Do you need an early morning session with God to ground you for the day? Do you need a mid morning nap or quiet time? Or maybe a girls/guys night out? What ever you need implement in TODAY! Not later. Everything depends on you taking care of yourself! 

How do you manage? 

Comment below. I would love to here! 

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