MEntal health

What Simone Biles and Waco TX taught me “I wanted it to be for myself. But I was still doing it for other people. It hurts my heart that doing what I love has been kind of taken away from me to please other people.” These words Simone Biles uttered in a NBC Sports interview…

Making Room for Me

I have a tendency to put myself last. I spend hours each day serving and teaching those I love; and coaching women to be their greatest selves. At days end I sometimes feel depleted , worn and tired; having nothing left to give. At that point I am cranky and push off-ish. Often resenting homeschooling,…

The Beauty of Silence

My morning. Sipping coffee. Nibbling a homemade pastry. Writing in my journal. Internally reflecting and praying.  Then I pause for a moment. Take in the silence. Something I rarely get with 3 kids.  The world is full “noise”. Music, politics, pinterest, facebook, instagram, tv, kids, clients, the list goes on. Something or someone pulling for…

Transparent Parenting 

Parenting this last year has been rough. I have been challenged at my core, triggered from my painful childhood, and burned out! Not to mention homeschooling!!  Now I’m not saying I haven’t experienced wonderful moments of fun, joy and love because each day my children bring me all of those things.  But if I’m honest,…

Celebrating ME!

I had to cancel my 30th birthday party. I have looked forward to this day since I was a kid. I mean I probably dreamed of my 30th birthday party more than I envisioned what my wedding would look like! That may sound weird to some, but it is my truth! I may be one…

Get up and Walk! 

This morning after prayer and a devotional I laid back down for some more sleep before the kids woke up.  After a bit of sleep I realized the kids were still quiet, and the thought crossed my mind “get up and go on a brisk walk”. I sat and wrestled with this thought because the…

How do I Manage? 

   Most days I work sun up to sun down. Teaching, disciplining, planning, cooking, managing, encouraging, praying…and the list goes on!  I love what I do! It strengthens and empowers me to serve and be here for my family. I love being in control of my family schedule and having the freedom to run our…