Summer Homeschool Fun! 


I don’t know about you but learning never stops in my house! Sure the summer is full of more outings and less worksheets and formal lessons, but learning is integrated into our daily lives.

We always sign up for our local libraries Summer Reading Program and participate in almost every free library activity! These classes and activities pretty much cover every subject, they are fun, engaging and FREE! Oh and the best part…I don’t have to teach! The library is a home educators paradise! Especially one on a budget. 

We always leave the library with a crate full of books and movies. I need to upgrade to a rolling cart! Anyway, these books are a large part of our homeschool lessons. My children read on topics they are interested in covering every subject matter! My boys are experts in dinosaurs, space, insects and all lots of other things. 

We always swim at our neighborhood pool which is steps away from our home. So there’s PE for the portfolio! 

We also have planned an outing to Sesame Place the later part of summer into fall where I will be sharing with you all our experiences. We have never been before. 

Every summer we also go to Six Flags using our free tickets from the Reading Across America:Read to Succeed program. In the spring all you do is register and log at least 6 hours of reading per school aged child. And they email you your tickets! I know for most homeschoolers 6 hours of reading is simple! Bookmark the link above and when they open registration sign-up! 

I love schooling year round because it gives me the ability to take periodic breaks and travel when we feel, without the pressure of feeling as if we need to catch up. 

We enjoy our summers, but never stop learning and exploring the world around us. It’s not just for the kids it is our family lifestyle.

What do your families do during the summer? 

I am always looking for new ideas and cheap fun activities. Please share!! 

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Hello there!! I’m new to following your blog and I’m SO happy we’ve found you! We are looking to begin homeschooling our children this Fall and all day I’ve been looking for a family to connect with who already does what we are looking to do. Do you also have a vlog? I’m asking because we’re also new to vlogging and I was going to look up some families that vlog some of their homeschool experiences. I’m extremely happy that I’ve found your families blog! Already you’ve given me insight into how this new chapter might go for us. Thank you- Shani

    1. icanllc says:

      Glad you found my blog.So thankful what you have read helped you. So happy you are beginning your homeschool journey. I definitely like to keep it real about my homeschool journey and life. How many children do you have? I do not vlog but from time to time Inpost videos that I record.

  2. We have 2 kids– our daughter is 11 and our son is 7. They’re very excited to get started. Do you guys use a specific curriculum?

    1. icanllc says:

      I only use curriculum for Math and Language arts. History, science and all other subjects I create my own from various resources and books. For math we used Singapore Math but we are switching to Math Mammoth to see how we like it. And in Language arts for 2 years used Sonlight and now we will test out LifePac Language arts. What curriculum if any do you use?

  3. Bronwen Lee says:

    We too use the library and I really just discovered all the goodies from summer reading programs. For us, it’s a no brainer. I am also using the Charlotte Mason reading list as a guide. We typically do unit studies, but for summer I’m switchin it up.

    1. icanllc says:

      I need to check out the Charlotte Mason list! Thanks! We typically do Unit Studies during Holidays and around special field trips.

      1. Bronwen Lee says:
        I am always having to change/leave out words/story lines etc when reading to my kids. All of the literature found on this list is gentle character building literature so I know it’s clean. Which oddly is not always easy to find. I recently bought a book on germs. It was supposed to be geared for 3-7 year olds. The end chapter talked about drugs. I mean specific drugs and what they did to you. Are there a lot of kids in that age bracket being exposed to drugs? Any whoo, sorry for long windedness, just wanted to make sure you had the link. Have a great Friday!

  4. icanllc says:

    Thanks! Yea we have screen everything nowadays!

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